
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Valerie's Hairdrenalin "Potion 16oz"

Homemade Black Castor Oil on STEROIDS. Unbelievable hair growth!! Nearly 4 INCHES in 7 weeks!!


  • 45 cut tea bags
  • 1/2 large bottle of Cayenne Pepper
  • 30 Biotin pills (blended or powder form)
  • 2-4 drops onion seed oil
  • 1-2 drop garlic seed oil
  • 2:1 ratio of onion seed oil to garlic seed oil
  • *I have heard of ladies substituting this for the powders. Do not use fresh onion or garlic, as those contain water, leading to a moldy batch


Mix all ingredients together but save the onion and garlic oil or powder at the end. 
2. infuse the mixture in the oven for about 5 hours. 
3. Set aside to cool down and stir occasionally 
4. Once cooled, pour the oil into a container with a cheesecloth to separate the tea from the oil. 
5. add the onion and garlic oil (or powder) 
Keep out of the sunlight. 


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