
Thursday, March 27, 2014

Dry Brushing 101

How does dry brushing work?
The exfoliation part is easy to understand. “Gentle dry brushing will slough off dead, dry skin, improving its appearance and allowing it to hydrate more efficiently when moisturizer is applied afterward,” says Francesca Fusco, M.D., a dermatologist in New York City.
As for detoxifying, dry brushing is similar to massage. “The light pressure against your skin and the direction in which you brush helps move lymph fluid into the lymph nodes so this waste can then be eliminated,” says Robin Jones, spa director at Lake Austin Spa Resort in Austin, TX. Your body naturally does this, but dry brushing speeds up the process and at the same time boosts circulation, delivering oxygenated blood to the skin and other organs, which helps them do their jobs better.
So how do you dry brush? 
First you need a proper brush, which you can purchase at most health food stores. Look for firm bristles—typically cactus- or vegetable-derived—or else the process won’t work, King says. A long handle is also handy to help you access hard-to-reach areas such as your back. Try Bernard Jensen Skin Brush Natural Bristles Long Handle ($11; vitaminshoppe.com).
Because dry brushing energizes and stimulates the body, most pros suggest doing it in the morning before you shower, but you can do it any time of day you prefer. Using long, upward strokes, start brushing your skin at your feet and work up your legs one at a time. Then move up your mid-section (front and back) and across your chest. Finish by brushing up your arms toward your armpits.
Now it’s shower time, with an added bonus: “You’ve just opened up your pores, so any of body treatments you apply in the shower and afterward will penetrate better,” Jones says.

Friday, March 21, 2014

DIY Beauty | Acne Scar Treatment | Beauty How To

Getting over a breakout can be a huge relief, but not so much when you realize there are leftover marks and dark spots taking over your complexion. Whether you're dealing with sun spots, acne scars, or dark marks of any kind, head to your kitchen! An easy, one-step DIY will lighten up your spots over time.

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2 DIY Face Masks || for GLOWING Skin!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Chicken Sriracha Spring Rolls



1 pound of chicken tenderloins

2 garlic cloves minced

2 shallots minced

1 ½ tbsp. of oyster sauce or soy sauce

2 tbsp. of Sriracha

2 tsp. of paprika

Juice of half a lemon

A dash of salt and black pepper

Ingredients for Spring Rolls:

Rice Paper

Sliced Cucumber

Sliced Avocado


Green Onions


Add all the ingredients in large bowl and mix. Heat pan to medium high heat and spray with coconut oil. Cook chicken for 3-4 minutes on each side or until fully cooked. Add the whole green onions and cook for 2-3 minutes on each side. Allow 15 minutes for chicken and green onions to cool. Cut chicken tenderloin pieces in half if too large for spring roll.

Rinse rice paper under cold water and place on dry plate or cutting board. Place your cucumber, avocado, green onion, cilantro and chicken at the low center of rice paper. Leaving about to inches below. Grab bottom of rice paper and fold over your ingredients and try to tuck in as you roll. Fold the sides and roll the rest.

Dipping Sauce:

1 tsp. Sriracha

1 tsp. Vinegar

1 tbsp. Soy Sauce

1 tsp. Honey

1 tsp. minced garlic

NaturallyBubbly's #NaturallyCurly Guru Tag


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Valerie's Hairdrenalin "Potion 16oz"

Homemade Black Castor Oil on STEROIDS. Unbelievable hair growth!! Nearly 4 INCHES in 7 weeks!!


  • 45 cut tea bags
  • 1/2 large bottle of Cayenne Pepper
  • 30 Biotin pills (blended or powder form)
  • 2-4 drops onion seed oil
  • 1-2 drop garlic seed oil
  • 2:1 ratio of onion seed oil to garlic seed oil
  • *I have heard of ladies substituting this for the powders. Do not use fresh onion or garlic, as those contain water, leading to a moldy batch


Mix all ingredients together but save the onion and garlic oil or powder at the end. 
2. infuse the mixture in the oven for about 5 hours. 
3. Set aside to cool down and stir occasionally 
4. Once cooled, pour the oil into a container with a cheesecloth to separate the tea from the oil. 
5. add the onion and garlic oil (or powder) 
Keep out of the sunlight. 



Sunday, March 9, 2014

Brussels Sprout Chips.. the yummiest thing ever

here is a delicious recipe for Brussels Sprout chips!! A fun alternative to kale chips :) 
You will become addicted to brussels sprouts after trying these!! ENJOY!!
Tell me: Do you like brussels sprouts? and if so, how do you like to eat them?

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Tea Time

Almond Oil For Dark Circles

Dark circles are a cause of worry for all those who are conscious of their looks as these are darkened skin patches encircling the eyes. They tend to make an individual appear old and unattractive. Instead of resorting to surgeries or expensive skin enhancing treatments that are loaded with chemicals, one can turn to simpler remedies like using almond oil to get rid of the dark circles. This article is an eye opener wherein it highlights the benefits of using almond oil as it is one of the simplest for remedy eliminating the darkened patches surrounding the eyes.
Reason for Dark Circles:
There are several reasons behind the occurrence of dark circles like sleep deprivation, sensitive skin, fatigue, over exposure to chemical based make up products like eyeliner, mascara, and so on. Treatments like application of almond oil should be based on the reason behind the dark circles.
Role of Almond oil in removing Dark Circles:
Almond oil is an emollient that nourishes and moisturizes the skin around the eyes. This oil possesses vitamin K and vitamin E that are highly effective in erasing the blemishes and subduing the puffiness around the eyes. Sometimes dark circles occur due to dehydration of the skin. Applying almond oil helps in rectifying this imbalance and prevents the area (encircling the eyes) from getting dull. Massaging this oil helps in enhancing the texture and lightens the skin under the eyes, making the skin taut and even prevents premature aging of the skin near the eyes.
Ways of applying almond oil for preventing dark circles
1. Simply massaging with almond oil:
The ideal way of applying this oil is by first washing the area around the eyes with water and pat dry with a towel. Next take a few drops of this oil on the tips of the finger massage it on to the area surrounding the eyes. This will enhance the blood circulation which in turn reduces the dark circles.
2. Almond oil with aromatic oil:
Another way to use it is in the form of carrier oil and combines it with aromatic oils to lighten the dark circles. This method should be used daily for best results.
3. Almond oil with honey:
A paste can be prepared by combining almond oil with honey in equal proportions and mixed well. This paste can be then dabbed on to the area surrounding the eyes, leave it on through the night and rinse off in the morning.
4. Almond oil with milk powder:
Another way of applying almond oil is by combining it with milk powder again in equal proportions. Ensure that the consistency of the paste is thick and apply it under the eyes. Leave it on for 10 minutes. This procedure is easy to follow and gives prompt results.
Precautions taken while using almond oil for dark circles:
Care should be taken to apply the oil carefully so as to prevent it from entering the eyes. People who are allergic to nuts should avoid the oil applications altogether. Oil extracted from rancid almonds can have adverse effects therefore one should select the almonds carefully. The eyes should be closed while massaging the oil on to the dark circles. Care should be taken to use the tips of the fingers gently so as to avoid hurting the eyes.
There are several brands that endorse almond oils however the purest form can be available by crushing the almonds and extracting the oil by one’s own self at home. However it can be a tedious process therefore it is advisable to buy almond oil from general stores itself. Dark circles will surely go away if one uses the almond oil diligently using one of the methods discussed in this article.

Healing Herbs

Detox Water

Strawberry Kiwi

watermelonkiwi 400x224 Clean Eating Challenge: 5 Best Detox Fruit Waters (Day 16)You can’t go wrong with the classic combination of strawberries and kiwi! This is the perfect summer drink, and has a light sweetness to it.
Detoxifying Qualities:
  • Kiwi is a superfood and is packed with vitamins A and E which help prevent free radicals as well as certain types of cancer. Kiwis also helps flush out toxins from the colon, which improves your overall health and well being.
  • Strawberries help fight carcinogens and contains anti-aging properties such as biotin and the antioxidant ellagic acid, which helps prevent sagging skin.
  • Ingredients:
  • 2 strawberries
  • 2 kiwis